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Goldschmied & Chiari

Sara Goldschmied (VI) and Eleonora Chiari (RM) formed the duo Goldschmied and Chiari in 2001.
Since 2014 they have worked under the name Goldschmied & Chiari in Milan.

The duo artists work with different media such as photography, performance, video and installation exploring the concepts of history and memory on the border between amnesia and cancellation, between reconstruction and repression "with a provocative approach always played on the thin border between irony and parody, between displacement and visual and semantic 'detournement' ". Throughout their work, Goldschmied & Chiari focus their gaze on sexuality and female identity, in many cases using themselves as performers of their works, urgently redefining the limits and the many representative possibilities of this identity. International group shows like at Mirabilia, Casa Italia for the Olympics Games ,Tokyo (2021) ; Utopia Distopia, Museo Madre, Naples (2021); Sans réserve, plongée dans une collection d’art contemporain, Frac Bretagne, Rennes (2020) ; The quest for happiness, italian art now, Serlachius Museums Gosta, Mänttä, Finland (2019) ; Urban Forest, Museo Riso, Palermo (2018) ; Dancing is what we make of falling, O.G.R., Turin (2018), SOLO EXHIBITIONS: Magnifica, Cody Gallery, International Arts & Artists at Hillyer, with the Italian Council support, Washington, Dove andiamo a ballare questa sera?, Galleria Poggiali, Milano, Paesaggi Artificiali, Galleria Poggiali, Pietrasanta and Milan, Eclisse, Museo Novecento, Florence, Gioielli di Famiglia, The Open Box, Milan, Tre studi per un ritratto, Galleria Cracco and Sky Arte among others.

"Untitled"  (2021)
Glass and mirror 
115 x 150 cm

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Installation view, inside the mirror

In cooperation with Galleria Poggiali

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